Fitness Kickboxing Class – Top 5 Reasons to Join

1. Strengthen your entire body – Like swimming, fitness kickboxing classes are designed to be a whole-body workout. As a result, research shows that people that do cardio workouts, especially ones like fitness kickboxing, have well-developed muscle mass and a lower body fat percentage.

2. Burn calories – Because 45-minute sessions can burn up to and over 400 calories per class! Classes are high impact and high intensity that will have your heart beating at higher levels throughout which means more calories being burned.

3. Relieve stress – Let’s face it, life can be stressful and there is nothing quite like hitting or kicking a bag that doesn’t strike back. Fitness kickboxing requires constant movements which leads to lower stress levels. Studies have also shown that these exercises can lessen feelings of anxiety, depression and anger.

4. Improve endurance – Cardio-kickboxing is one of the best, sure-fire ways to improve your overall endurance. The Biology of Sport Journal states from a study “ is arguably one of the best and most fun ways to improve endurance/stamina,”

5. Increase your energy – Fitness Kickboxing increases energy levels as it increases blood flow throughout the body. This releases hormones that give people that exercise increased levels of alertness.

In conclusion, whether you are in Swift Current or around the world, we have a class that’s right for you: Try a class today!

For people that want to join us live online, I suggest a Century Bag like the one in the video.

Affiliate link: Century Wavemaster


5 Fitness Tips Every Full Time Working Mom Must Try - Christian Taekwondo · May 7, 2021 at 6:45 pm

[…] the beautiful journey that is life.So, when does your fitness routine start?Many ladies choose fitness kickboxing or Taekwondo for fitness.  Both traditional martial arts and fitness kickboxing provide the […]

5 Fitness Tips Every Full Time Working Mom Must Try - Christian Taekwondo · May 7, 2021 at 6:48 pm

[…] ladies choose fitness kickboxing or Taekwondo for fitness.  Both traditional martial arts and fitness kickboxing provide the […]

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