Taekwondo, a dynamic martial art originating from Korea, has gained tremendous popularity among children worldwide. As a Taekwondo expert and a parent myself, I understand the importance of addressing common misconceptions surrounding this art form when it comes to our little ones. 

In this article, I aim to debunk these myths and provide you, as parents, with valuable insights into the true nature of Taekwondo for children.

Myth #1: Taekwondo is too dangerous for kids

Let’s address the elephant in the room. There is a common misconception that Taekwondo is a dangerous activity for children, filled with potential risks and injuries. However, I assure you that this myth couldn’t be further from the truth. Taekwondo is designed with children’s safety in mind.

In my years of experience teaching Taekwondo to children, I have witnessed the meticulous attention to safety measures in every aspect of their training. From supervised practice sessions to age-appropriate techniques, Taekwondo schools prioritize the well-being of children above all else. In fact, injury rates in Taekwondo are relatively low compared to other contact sports.

One parent shared with me their initial concerns about their child’s safety in Taekwondo. However, after observing the carefully structured classes and seeing their child’s confidence and discipline flourish, those worries were quickly put to rest.

Myth #2: Taekwondo promotes violence and aggression

There is a prevailing belief that martial arts, including Taekwondo, fuel aggression and violence in children. Allow me to dispel this myth once and for all. Taekwondo is rooted in a philosophy that emphasizes respect, discipline, and self-control.

When children engage in Taekwondo training, they learn to channel their energy in a positive and controlled manner. Through practice and guidance from instructors, they develop a deep understanding of the ethical principles that underpin this martial art. Taekwondo fosters qualities such as integrity, perseverance, and compassion, shaping children into well-rounded individuals.

I vividly remember a young student who struggled with anger management before joining Taekwondo. Through consistent training and the mentorship of instructors, they underwent a transformation, displaying remarkable self-control and a newfound sense of empathy towards others.

Myth #3: Taekwondo is only for physically strong and athletic kids

Another prevalent misconception is that Taekwondo is reserved for children who possess exceptional physical strength or athletic abilities. However, Taekwondo is an inclusive art form that welcomes children of all backgrounds, regardless of their body type or current fitness level.

In Taekwondo, the focus is not on comparing children to one another, but rather on their individual progress and personal growth. Each child is encouraged to embrace their unique strengths and work towards their own goals. As they advance through the ranks, they witness their own physical and mental capabilities unfold, building confidence along the way.

I once had a timid student who lacked confidence in their physical abilities. However, with patience and tailored training, they gradually discovered their hidden potential, surprising themselves and their parents with their progress. Taekwondo became a transformative journey of self-discovery for them.

Myth #4: Taekwondo hinders academic performance

A concern frequently raised by parents is the potential impact of Taekwondo training on their child’s academic performance. However, research and studies have shown that Taekwondo can have positive effects on concentration, discipline, and overall cognitive development.

The structured nature of Taekwondo training, with its emphasis on following instructions, memorizing patterns, and maintaining focus, actually complements academic learning. Many parents have reported that their children’s improved ability to concentrate and manage their time effectively after starting Taekwondo.

Moreover, Taekwondo instills in children a sense of discipline an determination, qualities that are crucial for academic success. By setting goals, working towards belt advancements, and facing challenges head-on, children develop a strong work ethic and a resilient mindset that can positively impact their academic endeavors.

I recall a student who struggled with maintaining focus and staying organized with their schoolwork. However, as they continued their Taekwondo journey, their newfound discipline and time management skills began to spill over into their studies, resulting in remarkable academic improvements.

Myth #5: Taekwondo is a solitary activity, lacking social interaction

Some may believe that Taekwondo is an individualistic pursuit, devoid of social interaction. On the contrary, Taekwondo offers numerous opportunities for children to engage in a vibrant community and build meaningful connections with their peers.

In Taekwondo classes, children often participate in group exercises, pair drills, and team activities that foster teamwork, camaraderie, and mutual support. Additionally, tournaments and events provide platforms for children to meet and bond with fellow practitioners from different schools, creating a sense of belonging and friendship.

I have witnessed countless friendships blossom within the Taekwondo community. From collaborative training sessions to cheering each other on during competitions, these young practitioners form deep connections that extend beyond the training mats.


As parents, it is natural to have concerns and misconceptions about any activity our children undertake. However, I hope this article has shed light on the reality of Taekwondo for children and debunked common myths surrounding it.

Taekwondo is not only a physically enriching art form but also a holistic practice that nurtures discipline, respect, self-control, and social skills. By embracing the true essence of Taekwondo, children can embark on a journey of personal growth, self-discovery, and lifelong benefits.

If you are considering Taekwondo for your child, I encourage you to reach out to local Taekwondo schools or associations, attend introductory classes, and have conversations with instructors who can provide further guidance and address any specific concerns you may have.

Remember, Taekwondo is not just about kicks and punches; it is a path towards empowerment, character development, and a vibrant community where children can thrive both on and off the training mats.

Experience the transformative power of Taekwondo for your child with a free trial class at Swift Current Christian Taekwondo. Our dedicated instructors provide a safe and engaging environment where kids can unleash their potential. Develop strength, coordination, and essential life skills like confidence and discipline. Don’t miss this limited-time opportunity. Visit christiantkd.com to schedule your child’s free trial class today.

Unlock their potential with Swift Current Christian Taekwondo.

Picture of Gary Voysey

Gary Voysey

Master Voysey has been practicing martial arts for over 30 years. He is currently a 4th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo