
Taekwondo, a traditional Korean martial art, has gained immense popularity worldwide for its dynamic kicks, powerful strikes, and emphasis on discipline and respect. Central to the practice of Taekwondo is the symbolic belt system, which represents a practitioner’s progress and skill level. In this Taekwondo Belt Progress Guide, we will delve into the history, order, and significance of the belt system, as well as the journey to the coveted black belt.

Table of Contents

The History of Taekwondo Belt System

Legend of Belt Progression

The origins of the Taekwondo belt system can be traced back to ancient times, where a white belt represented purity and innocence. As the legend goes, a warrior’s belt would become darker with blood and dirt as they trained and fought, gradually turning into a black belt, signifying mastery and experience.

Inspired by Judo’s Ranking System

In reality, the colored belt system in martial arts, including Taekwondo, was influenced by Judo founder Master Jigoro Kano’s ranking system. Kano introduced colored belts to signify different skill levels and provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation for practitioners.

Evolution of the Belt System

Over the years, the belt system has evolved and adapted across various martial arts styles, each with its unique set of colors and meanings. Taekwondo, being a modern martial art, also went through changes in its belt progression system, resulting in the structured and hierarchical system we see today.

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Understanding Taekwondo Belt Order and Progression

Major Taekwondo Governing Bodies and Their Systems

Taekwondo is governed by multiple organizations, with the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), World Taekwondo (WT), and the American Taekwondo Association (ATA) being prominent ones. Each of these organizations has its belt system and requirements.

ITF and WT Belt Order

The ITF and WT follow a similar belt order, starting with the white belt for beginners and progressing through various colors, such as yellow, green, blue, and red, until reaching the prestigious black belt. Each belt color represents the gradual development of skills and knowledge in Taekwondo.

Unique Nuances of ATA Belt Order

The ATA belt system also begins with the white belt, but it includes additional intermediate belts such as orange, purple, and brown. The ATA system is known for its distinctive half-colored belts, symbolizing the transition from one rank to another.

Journey to the Coveted Black Belt

Progression through Color Belts

The journey to the black belt is a significant milestone for any Taekwondo practitioner. It typically involves passing through several color belt levels, each requiring specific techniques, forms, and sparring abilities.

Time and Dedication

Achieving a black belt in Taekwondo is not a quick endeavor; it demands consistent training, dedication, and perseverance. The first secret of successful Taekwondo belt progress is consistent dedication and perseverance. Practitioners must commit to regular training, continuously honing their skills, and pushing themselves to improve. This journey demands patience and a willingness to face challenges head-on, understanding that progress takes time and effort.

Responsibilities of Higher Black Belt Levels

As practitioners advance to higher black belt levels, they take on more significant responsibilities within the Taekwondo community. They become role models and mentors for lower-ranking students, exemplifying the principles of respect and humility.

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Promoting a Belt in Taekwondo

Testing and Evaluation Process

Belt promotion in Taekwondo involves rigorous testing and evaluation by qualified instructors. Students must demonstrate proficiency in various techniques, patterns, self-defense, and breaking techniques.

The Importance of Physical Mastery and Etiquette

Beyond technical skills, Taekwondo places great importance on physical fitness, proper etiquette, and a positive attitude. Respect for instructors and fellow practitioners is paramount during belt tests.

Advancement for Experienced Students

Experienced martial artists who join Taekwondo may have the option to skip lower belt levels, given they can demonstrate proficiency in the required skills. However, this is entirely at the discretion of the instructor.

The Highest Black Belt Level: 10th Dan

The Rare and Honorary Title

The 10th Dan in Taekwondo is the highest achievable rank, representing an exceptional level of mastery and knowledge. It is a rare and honorary title granted to individuals who have made significant contributions to the art.

Dedication and Contributions

Attaining the 10th Dan requires a lifetime of dedication to Taekwondo, as well as notable contributions to its development and promotion. Recipients of this rank are revered and regarded as masters in the martial arts community.


In conclusion, the Taekwondo Belt Progress Guide has shed light on the fascinating world of Taekwondo’s belt system. From its legendary origins to the structured progression through colored belts, Taekwondo’s belt system symbolizes a practitioner’s growth and dedication to the art.

Aspiring black belts embark on a transformative journey, honing not only their physical skills but also embodying the principles of respect, perseverance, and humility.

The first secret of successful Taekwondo belt progress is consistent dedication and perseverance.

Whether one is a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, embracing the journey and principles of Taekwondo will undoubtedly lead to personal growth, both on and off the mat.

The second secret is embracing the journey and principles of Taekwondo, understanding that respect, humility, and self-discipline are vital values that should be ingrained in every practitioner.

Lastly, the third secret is the significance of mentorship and contribution. Sharing knowledge and guiding others on their martial arts journey not only helps the students being mentored but also reinforces the mentor’s understanding of the techniques and principles.

Additionally, contributing to the Taekwondo community through teaching, volunteering, or promoting the art fosters a deeper connection to the practice and its traditions.

By incorporating these three secrets into their Taekwondo training, practitioners can enhance their belt progress and overall growth in the martial art.

Experience the Thrill of Taekwondo with a FREE Trial Class!

Are you ready to unleash your inner warrior and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Look no further than Swift Current Christian Taekwondo! We are thrilled to invite you to a complimentary trial class, where you can experience the dynamic world of Taekwondo and discover the many benefits it has to offer.

Why Choose Swift Current Christian Taekwondo?

At Swift Current Christian Taekwondo, we are not just a martial arts school; we are a supportive community that fosters personal growth, physical fitness, and spiritual development. Our experienced instructors are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and realize your full potential.

What to Expect in Your Trial Class

During your free trial class, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn the fundamental techniques and strikes of Taekwondo.
  • Experience the thrill of dynamic kicking and powerful self-defense moves.
  • Engage in fun and challenging exercises that improve your strength, flexibility, and coordination.
  • Discover the principles of respect, discipline, and perseverance that are at the heart of Taekwondo.
  • Meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for martial arts and personal growth.

No Experience Needed – All Skill Levels Welcome!

Whether you are a complete beginner or have prior martial arts experience, our classes are designed to cater to all skill levels. Our supportive and encouraging environment ensures that everyone feels comfortable and inspired to push their limits.

Claim Your FREE Trial Class Today!

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to experience the excitement of Taekwondo with a complimentary trial class at Swift Current Christian Taekwondo. To claim your free trial, simply click here to fill out the form, and our friendly team will be in touch to schedule your class.

Join us on this transformative journey of empowerment and self-discovery. We can’t wait to welcome you to our Taekwondo family!

Note: Offer available for a limited time only. Terms and conditions apply.

Picture of Gary Voysey

Gary Voysey

Master Voysey has been practicing martial arts for over 30 years. He is currently a 4th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo


Q: Is Taekwondo suitable for beginners with no prior martial arts experience?

A: Absolutely! Taekwondo is a martial art that welcomes students of all ages and skill levels. Our classes are designed to cater to beginners with no prior experience, providing a supportive and encouraging environment to learn and grow.

Q: What should I wear for the free trial class?

A: For the trial class, it's best to wear comfortable workout attire, such as a t-shirt and athletic pants. Avoid wearing any jewelry or accessories that may cause injury during training. We train barefoot, so no special footwear is required.

Q: Is Taekwondo only about physical training?

A: While Taekwondo does focus on physical training, it is also deeply rooted in developing mental discipline and fostering a strong character. Our instructors emphasize the importance of respect, humility, and perseverance, ensuring a holistic approach to martial arts training.

Q: Do I need to sign up for a membership after the trial class?

A: There's no obligation to sign up for a membership after the trial class. The trial class is a no-strings-attached opportunity for you to experience Taekwondo and see if it's the right fit for you. If you choose to continue with us, we offer flexible membership options tailored to your preferences.

Q: Can parents watch their children during the class?

A: Absolutely! Parents are more than welcome to watch their children during the class. We encourage family involvement and believe that it can be a great way to support and motivate young practitioners.