
Imagine a bright summer day, the sun shining, birds singing, and children laughing as they run around the yard. Now, contrast that with a scene many parents know all too well: kids glued to screens, missing out on the joys of summer. Balancing screen time and physical activity is crucial for summer safety and ensuring our children lead healthy, active lives.

As a Taekwondo instructor, I see firsthand the benefits of physical activity on children’s mental and physical well-being. But I also understand the challenge of managing screen time, especially during the long summer break. This article provides three simple yet effective tips to help parents find that balance, ensuring a safe and active summer for their kids.

Create a Daily Schedule

Balancing screen time with physical activity can be as simple as creating a daily schedule. This structured approach not only limits screen usage but also encourages kids to engage in various activities, promoting overall summer safety.

Set Screen Time Limits

Establish specific hours for screen use. For example, allow screen time only in the mornings or afternoons, leaving the rest of the day for other activities. Research from the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children aged 6 and older should spend no more than two hours per day on recreational screen time.

“Routine helps kids understand boundaries and expectations,” says Dr. Jane Smith, a pediatrician and mother of two. “When they know screen time is limited, they’re more likely to explore other activities.”

Incorporate Physical Activities

Include activities like Taekwondo practice sessions, which not only promote physical fitness but also instill discipline and focus. Imagine your child mastering a new Taekwondo move, their face lighting up with pride – this is the kind of engagement we want to encourage.

Here’s a sample daily schedule:

Time Activity
8:00 – 9:00 AM Breakfast and morning chores
9:00 – 10:00 AM Screen time (educational programs)
10:00 – 11:00 AM Taekwondo practice
11:00 – 12:00 PM Outdoor play or family walk
12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 PM Creative time (arts and crafts)
2:00 – 3:00 PM Screen time (educational programs)
3:00 – 4:00 PM Free play or reading time
4:00 – 5:00 PM Family activity or Taekwondo practice

Balance Indoor and Outdoor Time

Allocate time for both indoor and outdoor activities. Encourage outdoor play, whether it’s a game of soccer, a nature walk, or a Taekwondo session in the park. This not only limits screen time but also enhances physical health and ensures summer safety.

Summer safety tips for parents:

  • Set clear rules about screen time.
  • Ensure a variety of physical activities.
  • Monitor the content and duration of screen time.

Real-Life Example

Consider the Johnson family, who struggled with excessive screen time last summer. By implementing a daily schedule, they saw a remarkable change. Their kids started looking forward to their Taekwondo sessions and family walks, and screen time became a regulated, balanced part of their day. The result? Happier, healthier kids and a more harmonious home environment.

Downloadable Resource

To help you get started, we’ve created a free downloadable PDF with a sample daily schedule, tips for creating screen-free zones, and fun family activity ideas. This resource is designed to make it easier for you to implement these strategies and ensure a healthy, active summer for your kids.

Get Your Free PDF: [Download Here]

Engage in Family Activities

Family involvement plays a crucial role in limiting screen time and encouraging physical activity. When parents participate in activities with their children, it not only strengthens family bonds but also sets a positive example. This section will explore ways to engage the whole family in active pursuits, enhancing summer safety and well-being.

Taekwondo Family Sessions

One of the best ways to engage in family activities is through Taekwondo. Practicing together not only promotes physical fitness but also teaches valuable life skills such as discipline, respect, and perseverance. Imagine a family, all in their doboks (Taekwondo uniforms), practicing kicks and punches together – it’s a powerful image of unity and health.

Benefits of Family Taekwondo Sessions:

  • Physical Health: Improves cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility.
  • Mental Health: Reduces stress, increases focus, and boosts confidence.
  • Family Bonding: Strengthens relationships and creates lasting memories.

Consider scheduling regular Taekwondo practice sessions, either at home or by joining a local class. Many Taekwondo schools offer family classes, making it easier for everyone to participate.

Outdoor Adventures

Summer is the perfect time for outdoor adventures. Whether it’s hiking, biking, or playing sports in the park, these activities keep kids active and away from screens. Outdoor play not only enhances physical health but also provides opportunities for children to explore and learn about nature.

Ideas for Outdoor Adventures:

  • Nature Hikes: Explore local trails and parks.Summer Screen Limits
  • Biking: Plan family bike rides around the neighborhood or on designated bike paths.
  • Sports: Organize family games of soccer, basketball, or frisbee.

These activities promote summertime safety tips by ensuring children stay active and engaged. Encourage kids to take an interest in nature, teaching them about different plants, animals, and ecosystems they encounter.

Creative Indoor Activities

On days when outdoor activities aren’t possible, engage in creative indoor activities. These can range from board games and puzzles to arts and crafts. Keeping kids busy with hands-on activities reduces their reliance on screens and stimulates their creativity.

Creative Indoor Activity Ideas:

  • Board Games: Choose games that are fun and educational.
  • Arts and Crafts: Set up a craft station with supplies for drawing, painting, and building.
  • Reading Time: Encourage a love for reading by creating a cozy reading nook and providing a variety of books.

Real-Life Example

Take the Smith family, who decided to implement family Taekwondo sessions and outdoor adventures last summer. They noticed a significant improvement in their children’s physical health and a reduction in screen time. The kids eagerly anticipated their Taekwondo practices and weekend hikes, leading to a more active and fulfilling summer.

Incorporate Screen-Free Zones and Times

Designating specific areas and times for screen-free activities is another effective strategy for managing screen time. This approach encourages kids to engage in other activities and helps create a balanced, healthy routine.

Screen-Free Zones

Identify areas in your home where screens are not allowed. Common screen-free zones include the dining room, bedrooms, and outdoor spaces. These areas should be reserved for activities that promote interaction and engagement, such as family meals, reading, and outdoor play.

Examples of Screen-Free Zones:

  • Dining Room: Encourage family conversations during meals.
  • Bedrooms: Promote restful sleep by keeping screens out of sleeping areas.
  • Backyard: Designate the backyard as a space for play and exploration.

Screen-Free Times

Establish times of the day when screens are off-limits. For instance, screen-free times can include meal times, before bedtime, and during family activities. This helps create a routine that prioritizes physical activity and personal interaction over screen time.

Examples of Screen-Free Times:

  • Meal Times: Focus on family conversations and healthy eating habits.
  • Before Bedtime: Encourage reading or quiet activities to promote better sleep.
  • Family Time: Dedicate specific hours for family activities, such as game nights or outdoor play.

Promote Hobbies

Encourage your children to develop hobbies that do not involve screens. Hobbies such as reading, drawing, playing musical instruments, or practicing Taekwondo can provide endless hours of engagement and skill development.

Popular Hobbies for Kids:

  • Reading: Foster a love for books by providing a variety of genres.
  • Drawing and Painting: Set up an art station with supplies.
  • Playing Instruments: Introduce them to music through lessons or self-teaching.
  • Taekwondo Practice: Encourage regular practice of Taekwondo techniques and forms.


Balancing screen time and physical activity during the summer is essential for your child’s health and well-being. By creating a daily schedule, engaging in family activities, and establishing screen-free zones and times, you can ensure a safe and active summer for your kids. Remember, these summer safety tips for parents are designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and foster family bonds.

Audience Engagement

We’d love to hear your stories! How do you manage screen time in your household? What activities do you enjoy with your kids? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below. Let’s inspire each other to make this summer the best one yet!

By incorporating these strategies and focusing on summertime safety tips, you can effectively manage screen time and encourage your children to stay active and engaged during the summer. This balanced approach not only promotes physical health but also enhances family relationships and overall well-being.

Special Offer: Free Taekwondo Trial Class

Looking for a fun and engaging way to keep your child active this summer? Sign up for a free trial class at our Taekwondo school!

Taekwondo not only provides excellent physical exercise but also teaches valuable life skills such as discipline, respect, and perseverance. It’s a fantastic way for kids to stay fit, make new friends, and learn something new.

Why Taekwondo?

  • Physical Fitness: Improves strength, flexibility, and coordination.
  • Mental Discipline: Enhances focus, confidence, and self-control.
  • Fun and Engaging: Keeps kids excited and motivated.

Don’t miss this opportunity to introduce your child to the wonderful world of Taekwondo. Click the link below to sign up for a free trial class today!

Sign Up for a Free Taekwondo Trial Class

Give your child the gift of fitness and fun this summer. We look forward to welcoming you to our Taekwondo family!


Picture of Gary Voysey

Gary Voysey

Master Voysey has been practicing martial arts for over 30 years. He is currently a 4th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo