How Taekwondo has helped me so far by Javanah Winsley

Taekwondo has helped me and being more self-confident. When the kids at school make fun of me or bully another kid I make it my point to stop it think and then do when I help other kids, I get help back when I need it.

I love how friendly and kind the team at Taekwondo is, and it’s also help me make a few friends I now live, knowing certain verses from the Bible that I’ve memorized learnt and held onto.

Everyone is working on very different things in their life but while some of us do this, we either go through heartwarming situations or heartbreaking situations, and Taekwondo has helped me get through that, and love myself even more than I did before. I always try to encourage my friends to join because it makes life better ( plus you get to punch and kick people ) and you learn really cool. Poomsae moves as well as self-control, perseverance, courtesy, and indomitable spirit.

If I were to bring up all the problems that I’ve gone through without help from Taekwondo it would only be like five.

There are a lot more issues I go through with confidence rather than regret. I’m so thankful for all the things Taekwondo has given me, but most of all it’s giving me integrity.

The first time I saw how and what was done, which is life-changing, miracles is when I wanted to join.

Thank you for changing my life Master Gary