
Bullying: a word that echoes through the halls of schools and playgrounds. A challenge many children face, but not all conquer. Enter the ancient martial art of Taekwondo—a beacon of strength, discipline, and, most importantly, assertiveness. Located in the heart of Swift Current, our martial arts school stands as a testament to empowering the young through assertive training, providing not just self-defence classes but a foundation for life.

Secret #1: Foundation in Respect and Discipline

The Core of Martial Arts

Taekwondo, more than kicks and punches, is a journey into self-discovery and respect. Here in Swift Current, we’ve witnessed first-hand how martial arts near me can transform the shy and the timid into the bold and the assertive. It’s not magic; it’s methodology.

Discipline: The First Step to Assertiveness

The dojang is where it begins. Each bow, each stance, a pledge to oneself to stand tall, to stand firm. Assertive training starts with the mind. And in this space, we nurture a resilience against bullying, teaching children that respect for others begins with respect for oneself.

Table of Contents

Secret #2: Mastering Assertive Communication through Practice

Finding One’s Voice

In the echoes of each kihap, there’s more than power—there’s a declaration of presence. Taekwondo near me isn’t just about learning to fight; it’s about learning to speak up, to assert one’s space in the world. And isn’t that the best defence against bullying?

The Role of Body Language

A straight back, eyes forward, the calm in a stance. Assertive training in Taekwondo instills a body language that speaks volumes before a word is uttered. Our martial arts school in Swift Current specializes in turning hesitation into action—teaching kids that their posture can be as powerful as their words.

Secret #3: Building Physical Confidence

Strength Beyond Muscles

In our Swift Current dojang, every punch and kick serves a dual purpose: to strengthen the body and to fortify the mind. Assertiveness blooms from physical confidence. Our martial arts programs are tailored to show kids that their strength is not just in their muscles but in their resolve to stand up against bullying.

The Path to Self-Defence Mastery

Our “self-defence classes near me” mantra is more than a catchphrase; it’s a promise. With each Taekwondo technique learned, kids gain not just the ability to protect themselves but the confidence that they can protect themselves. This is the essence of assertiveness—knowing that you have the power to dictate your story.

Secret #4: The Power of Role-Playing Scenarios

Preparing for the Real World

Assertive Taekwondo Training isn’t about preparing for a fight; it’s about preparing for life. Through role-playing scenarios, we simulate real-life situations of bullying, teaching kids how to apply their assertiveness in the moments that matter most. This method ensures that when faced with adversity, our students aren’t just ready; they’re resilient.

Practice Makes Perfect

“Practice, practice, practice!” That’s our motto here in Swift Current. The more our students rehearse standing their ground, the more natural it becomes. Our martial arts near me program focuses on repetition not for perfection in technique alone but for instilling an instinctive response of assertiveness when confronted with bullying.

Secret #5: Community and Support System

A Family Beyond Home

At Swift Current Christian Taekwondo, we pride ourselves on being more than a martial arts school; we’re a family. The sense of belonging our students feel is pivotal in their journey towards assertiveness. Surrounded by peers and mentors who understand and support them, kids find the strength to face bullying not just as individuals, but as part of a community.

The Role of Mentorship

Our instructors do more than teach Taekwondo; they mentor, guide, and inspire. Through this mentorship, students see firsthand the power of assertiveness in overcoming challenges, including bullying. They learn that their journey in martial arts—and in life—is one of continuous growth and discovery.

Highlight: Swift Current Christian Taekwondo’s Bully Defense Program

Unique to our province, Swift Current Christian Taekwondo offers a comprehensive bully defense program that stands out in the martial arts community. Our approach integrates the physical techniques of Taekwondo with psychological strategies for assertiveness, creating a well-rounded defense mechanism against bullying. It’s not just about teaching kids to punch and kick—it’s about empowering them to stand tall, speak up, and assert themselves in any situation.

Century Torrent T2 Pro Training Bag


“Assertive Taekwondo Training” is more than a set of techniques; it’s a philosophy, a way of life. In Swift Current, we are committed to transforming lives, one child at a time. From building a foundation of respect and discipline to mastering assertive communication and beyond, our program offers a holistic approach to personal development and bully defense. Empower your child with the skills they need for a brighter, more confident future. Join us, and witness the transformative power of Taekwondo.

Embark on a journey of growth, confidence, and resilience with your child at Swift Current Christian Taekwondo. We invite you to discover the transformative power of Assertive Taekwondo Training through a FREE trial class. This is more than just an introduction to martial arts; it’s a step towards empowering your child to stand strong against bullying, to cultivate respect, discipline, and to thrive in both body and mind.

Seize this opportunity to witness firsthand how our unique bully defense program and supportive community can make a positive impact on your child’s life. At Swift Current Christian Taekwondo, we’re not just teaching martial arts; we’re nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

Don’t let this chance slip away. Sign up now for your FREE trial class and take the first step towards a brighter, more assertive future for your child. Join us on the mat, and let’s embark on this journey together.

Facing bullying can be incredibly challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone. 

Reach out to these dedicated helplines for support and guidance.  

In the Swift Current area, please reach out to Fresh Start at 306-773-8168

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be contacted at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)

The National Bullying Prevention Center can be reached at 1-800-273-8255. 

In Canada, Kids Help Phone offers assistance at 1-800-668-6868, and the Canadian Centre for Child Protection can be reached at 1-855-596-4222.

Remember, help is just a call away.

Picture of Gary Voysey

Gary Voysey

Master Voysey has been practicing martial arts for over 30 years. He is currently a 4th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo