Taekwondo Strikes and Kicks for Beginners

Welcome to the exciting world of Taekwondo! As a beginner, you’ve embarked on a journey that combines discipline, physical fitness, and the mastery of powerful strikes and dynamic kicks. In this article, we will guide you through the fundamental Taekwondo strikes and kicks for beginners, providing step-by-step instructions and valuable insights to help you develop a strong foundation in Taekwondo. So, let’s dive in and discover the art of striking and kicking like a true martial artist!

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics of Taekwondo Strikes and Kicks for Beginners

To start your Taekwondo journey, it’s crucial to understand the basics that form the backbone of this ancient martial art. The proper Taekwondo stance is your starting point. Stand tall, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. This stance promotes stability, balance, and mobility, allowing you to unleash your strikes and kicks with precision and power.

Another fundamental concept in Taekwondo is chambering. Before executing any strike or kick, you need to position your limbs correctly. This preparatory movement ensures that your strikes and kicks are delivered effectively, maximizing their impact. Remember, chambering sets the stage for explosive and controlled movements.

Posture, alignment, and body mechanics are also vital aspects of Taekwondo. Maintaining a straight back, relaxed shoulders, and proper alignment of your joints enables you to generate maximum force and execute techniques with efficiency. By honing your posture and body mechanics, you’ll enhance the effectiveness of your strikes and kicks.

Essential Strikes for Beginners

Now that you understand the fundamental principles, let’s delve into the essential hand strikes of Taekwondo. These strikes are versatile and can be employed in various situations, providing you with a solid foundation for your martial arts journey. Here are a few key hand strikes:

1. Straight Punch

The straight punch is a fundamental strike that emphasizes speed and precision. Start with your fist chambered near your hip, then extend your arm forward, rotating your fist to face your target. As you punch, remember to exhale forcefully, focusing your energy into the strike. Visualize your target and aim to strike with your first two knuckles for maximum impact.

2. Knife-hand Strike

The knife-hand strike is a powerful technique that utilizes the edge of your hand. Begin with your arm chambered and your fingers extended and joined together. As you execute the strike, extend your arm, aiming to strike your target with the outer edge of your hand. Maintain a relaxed wrist and a strong follow-through, ensuring a crisp and effective strike.

3. Ridge-hand Strike

The ridge-hand strike is characterized by a chopping motion, using the side of your hand where the palm meets the wrist. Start with your arm chambered and your fingers slightly bent. With a swift and controlled movement, strike your target, aiming to hit with the area between your knuckles and the base of your thumb. Maintain a strong and stable wrist throughout the strike.

4. Backfist Strike

The backfist strike is a versatile technique that utilizes the back of your fist. Begin with your arm chambered, palm facing down. As you extend your arm, rotate your fist, so the back of your hand faces your target. Strike with the area just below your knuckles, aiming for precision and speed. Remember to maintain proper body alignment and follow through with your strike.

Mastering these hand strikes requires practice and attention to detail. Pay close attention to your technique, focusing on proper body alignment, and gradually increase your speed and power over time.

Dynamic Kicks for Beginners

Taekwondo is renowned for its dynamic and high-flying kicks. As a beginner, you’ll learn a variety of kicks that showcase your flexibility,agility, and strength. Let’s explore some of the dynamic kicks that beginners can master:

1. Front Kick

The front kick is a fundamental kick that emphasizes speed and precision. Start by lifting your knee towards your chest while keeping your foot flexed. Extend your leg forward, striking your target with the ball of your foot. Remember to retract your leg swiftly after the kick to maintain balance and readiness for subsequent techniques.

2. Roundhouse Kick

The roundhouse kick is a versatile and powerful technique that involves a circular motion. Begin by chambering your knee, then pivot on the supporting foot while extending your leg. Rotate your hip and torso to generate power, aiming to strike your target with the top of your foot or shin. Focus on maintaining balance and executing a smooth and controlled motion.

3. Side Kick

The side kick is a dynamic and effective technique used for both offense and defence. Start by chambering your knee, then extend your leg directly to the side, keeping your foot flexed. Strike your target with the heel or outer edge of your foot. Focus on engaging your core muscles to maintain stability and generate power. Retract your leg swiftly after the kick to maintain balance.

4. Axe Kick

The axe kick is an impressive technique that involves a downward motion, simulating the motion of an axe chopping down. Begin by raising your knee, then extend your leg upward while straightening it. Bring your leg down forcefully, striking your target with the heel or the area just below the ankle. Focus on generating power through your hip and maintaining control throughout the movement.

These dynamic kicks require practice, flexibility, and precise technique. Start by mastering the basic execution and gradually increase your speed and height as you become more comfortable and confident.

Building Strength and Flexibility

In order to excel in Taekwondo, it’s crucial to develop strength and flexibility. Conditioning exercises and stretches play a vital role in enhancing your performance and reducing the risk of injury. Here are some exercises and stretches that are particularly beneficial for beginners:

1. Squats and Lunges

Squats and lunges are excellent exercises for building leg strength and stability. Perform squats by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and lowering your body by bending your knees, keeping your back straight. Lunges involve stepping forward with one leg, lowering your body, and returning to the starting position. Incorporate these exercises into your training routine to develop leg power.

2. Leg Swings and Knee Raises

Leg swings and knee raises improve hip mobility and flexibility. Stand beside a support, such as a wall or a bar, and swing your leg forward and backward in a controlled manner. To perform knee raises, stand tall and lift your knee as high as possible, focusing on engaging your core muscles. These exercises help enhance your kicking range and stability.

3. Hamstring and Calf Stretches

Stretching your hamstrings and calves is essential for maintaining flexibility and preventing muscle tightness. Perform standing hamstring stretches by bending forward at the waist and reaching for your toes, keeping your legs straight. Calf stretches can be done by placing one foot in front of the other, leaning forward, and keeping your back leg straight. Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat on both sides.

Remember to warm up before engaging in any exercises or stretches to prepare your muscles and joints for the movements. Incorporate these exercises into your training regimen to enhance your overall physical capabilities in Taekwondo.

Flexibility for Martial Arts and Fitness

Practice and Progression

Like any martial art, practice is key to improving your skills in Taekwondo. Consistent training, focused practice, and a willingness to learn will help you progress on your journey. Here are some tips to enhance your practice and ensure steady progression in Taekwondo:

1. Training Drills

Engage in various training drills that focus on specific aspects of Taekwondo. Work on speed and accuracy by practicing combinations of strikes and kicks in front of a mirror or with a partner. Develop your reflexes by incorporating reaction drills, such as partner pad work or practicing defensive techniques. These drills not only improve your technique but also enhance your coordination and timing.

2. Partner Exercises

Training with a partner offers valuable opportunities for growth in Taekwondo. Practice controlled sparring sessions to develop your defensive and offensive skills. Work on blocking, evading, and countering techniques while maintaining proper control and respect for your partner’s safety. Partner exercises foster adaptability, footwork, and strategy, helping you become a well-rounded practitioner.

3. Goal Setting

Set achievable goals to keep yourself motivated and focused on your progress. Whether it’s mastering a specific kick, earning a new belt, or participating in a local tournament, having tangible goals helps drive your training and measure your advancement. Break down larger goals into smaller milestones, celebrating each achievement along the way. Remember, Taekwondo is a journey of continuous improvement.

Safety Precautions

As you train in Taekwondo, it’s crucial to prioritize safety to minimize the risk of injuries. Here are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

1. Warm-up Exercises

Always start your training session with a thorough warm-up. Engage in light aerobic exercises, such as jogging or jumping jacks, to increase blood flow to your muscles. Follow this with dynamic stretches to loosen up your joints and prepare your body for the demands of training.

2. Protective Gear

When engaging in sparring or partner exercises, ensure you and your training partner wear appropriate protective gear, including headgear, mouthguards, shin guards, and gloves. This protective equipment helps minimize the risk of injury and allows you to train with confidence and focus.

3. Proper Technique and Control

Execute techniques with proper form and control. Pay attention to your instructor’s guidance and focus on developing precise and controlled movements. Avoid overexertion and reckless behavior during training to prevent unnecessary injuries.

If you experience any pain or discomfort during training, it’s important to listen to your body. Consult with your instructor or a medical professional if needed to address any concerns and ensure a safe training environment.


Congratulations on taking your first steps into the world of Taekwondo! By learning and mastering the fundamental strikes and kicks, you are building a strong foundation for your journey as a martial artist. Remember, progress in Taekwondo is achieved through consistent practice, dedication, and a willingness to learn and grow.

Embrace the challenges, push your limits, and enjoy the process of honing your striking and kicking skills. Taekwondo not only strengthens your body but also cultivates discipline, focus, and self-confidence. So, continue your training, set goals, and embrace the transformative power of Taekwondo as you embark on this exciting martial arts adventure.

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Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you’re in the Swift Current area and feel inspired to experience the exhilaration of Taekwondo firsthand, we invite you to join us for a free trial class. Discover the power of strikes and kicks, unleash your potential, and embark on a journey of self-discovery through this dynamic martial art.

Our experienced instructors are ready to guide you on your path to mastery, whether you’re a complete beginner or have previous martial arts experience. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn from the best and immerse yourself in the world of Taekwondo.

To claim your free trial class, simply visit this link or call us at 306.741.4652 to book your spot. Don’t miss out on this chance to experience the transformative benefits of Taekwondo firsthand!

Come join our vibrant Taekwondo community in Swift Current, and let’s embark on this exciting journey together. Unleash your potential and embrace the power of strikes and kicks. See you on the training floor!

*Note: Offer available to new students in the Swift Current area only. Limited spots available.

Picture of Gary Voysey

Gary Voysey

Master Voysey has been practicing martial arts for over 30 years. He is currently a 4th Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo