leg strengthWelcome to our guide on building leg strength for Taekwondo kicks! Leg strength is essential for executing powerful and precise kicks in Taekwondo.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, strengthening your legs can greatly improve your performance and technique. In this article, we’ll provide you with exercises and training tips to help build leg strength specifically for Taekwondo kicks. We’ll also cover the different types of kicks in Taekwondo, including the 6 basic kicks in Taekwondo and Taekwondo kicks for beginners, so that you can understand how leg strength plays a role in each kick. Let’s get started!

Importance of Leg Strength for Taekwondo Kicks

In Taekwondo, kicks are a fundamental component of the art. Strong legs are necessary for executing a variety of kicks with power and precision. Without sufficient leg strength, it can be difficult to generate the speed, height, and force required for effective kicks.

leg strengthNot only does leg strength enable practitioners to perform better kicks, but it also helps to prevent injuries. Stronger muscles, tendons, and ligaments can better withstand the demands placed on them during training and competition, reducing the risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries.

Types of Kicks in Taekwondo

There are many different types of kicks in Taekwondo, each with its own unique technique and purpose. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Front Kick
  2. Side Kick
  3. Roundhouse Kick
  4. Axe Kick
  5. Back Kick
  6. Hook Kick

Each of these kicks requires different leg movements and muscles to execute properly. By understanding the mechanics of each kick, you can better tailor your leg strength training to improve your performance in specific areas.

6 Basic Kicks in Taekwondo

The 6 basic kicks in Taekwondo are the foundation of all kicks in the art. They include:

  1. Front Kick
  2. Roundhouse Kick
  3. Side Kick
  4. Back Kick
  5. Hook Kick
  6. Axe Kick

As a beginner, it is important to master these kicks before moving on to more advanced techniques. Not only do they provide a solid foundation for other kicks, but they also help to develop key muscles used in other movements.

Taekwondo Kicks for Beginners

For beginners, it can be overwhelming to learn all of the different kicks in Taekwondo. Starting with the 6 basic kicks can help to build a strong foundation and develop the necessary leg strength for more advanced techniques.

When training these kicks, it is important to focus on proper form and technique. Gradually increasing the intensity and resistance of your workouts can also help to build leg strength over time.

leg strengthExercises and Training Tips for Building Leg Strength

Here are some exercises and training tips that can help you to build leg strength specifically for Taekwondo kicks:

  1. Squats
  2. Lunges
  3. Leg Presses
  4. Calf Raises
  5. Plyometric Exercises
  6. Resistance Band Training

Incorporating these exercises into your training routine can help to target the specific muscles used in Taekwondo kicks and improve your overall leg strength.


In conclusion, leg strength is crucial for performing effective and powerful kicks in Taekwondo. By understanding the different types of kicks in the art, focusing on the 6 basic kicks, and incorporating specific exercises and training tips, you can develop the leg strength necessary to take your Taekwondo kicks to the next level.

Ready to take your Taekwondo kicks to the next level? Sign up for a free trial class at Swift Current Christian Taekwondo today and start your journey toward becoming a stronger, more confident martial artist!