Empower Your Child with Christian Values and Self-Defense Skills: Join Swift Current’s Top Taekwondo School for Kids Today

Give your child the gift of confidence and strength: Enroll them in our Swift Current Taekwondo school with a free trial class offer!

Taekwondo in Swift Current


Christian Taekwondo news, tips and more

Focus with Taekwondo

5 Ways Taekwondo Boosts Your Focus and Clarity

Introduction Imagine it’s a typical weekday afternoon: the noise of the world buzzes around you like a busy marketplace, from the pings of incessant notifications to the whirl of cars outside your window. In this digital age, the battle for your child’s attention is fierce, with distractions lurking in every

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Taekwondo Mental Discipline

Boost Your Focus: 3 Taekwondo Techniques That Work

Introduction Imagine standing at the edge of a tranquil pond early in the morning, the surface as smooth as glass. In the quiet, you throw a stone, and it skips, creating ripples that spread wider and wider. This pond is like the mind, and the stones are the disciplines we

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Physical Bullying Statistics

New Data: 6 Startling Physical Bullying Statistics 

Introduction Picture this: a small playground, the heart of it thrumming with the boisterous energy of children at play. Among them is a child, eyes wide, voice a mere whisper in the cacophony—a child who should be bursting with the vibrant hues of childhood, yet is shadowed by the grays

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We offer Olympic Style Taekwondo from a Christian perspective. This means that the art and integrity of Taekwondo is maintained, and the belief system is Christian-based. 

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